本帖最后由 泽人菌 于 2020-3-20 23:56 编辑
【UNL Global Research Rankings背景介绍】
该排名是由University of Nebraska at Lincoln自1990年开始,以年为单位,在五份全球顶尖精算学术刊物上各大院校所发表的论文数与质量为主要参考依据,统计得分并为全球大学“精算系”排名,根据学校的分类和官方分类标准,按照标准决定为商学院和非商学院大类。 该排名为2015-2019商学院精算学术排名,可能大家在意的:学生的就业背景,就业去处,未来发展,就业后薪资等均不会被直接衡量,仅供参考。
22所精算类商学院院校来自欧洲,近半数。 9所来自北美。 5所来自澳洲。 14所来自亚洲。 中国大陆院校有9所上榜,中国台湾有3所上榜。
欧洲院校中,英国的伦敦城市大学的Cass Business School和瑞士的洛桑大学的Faculty of Business and Economics位列总榜2,3位。荷兰的阿姆斯特丹大学比利时的鲁汶大学紧随其后,其院校的Faculty of Economics and Business位列7,9位。 欧洲相对平均,在前中后段都有出现,12个国家都有,平均一个国家会有1-3所商学院上榜,另外英国的帝国理工学院虽然没有纯精算系,因为有精算类研究论文的发表,排在榜单的第44位。
北美院校中,美国8所上榜,乔治亚州立大学的J. Mack Robinson College of Business排名榜单第8位,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的Wisconsin School of Business紧随其后,排名第11位。加拿大有一所商学院院校上榜,曼尼托巴大学的Asper School of Business排名第20位。
另外,大家关注的宾大的沃顿商学院未出现在该份榜单,小编发现沃顿被该网站划分至了Risk Management & Insurance Business School类别,排在该类别的全球第15位,而非Actuarial Science Business School类别。宾夕法尼亚洲立大学(非藤校宾大)的Smeal商学院排名22位。
亚洲院校共有14所上榜,以中国(大陆和台湾)为主,有一所新加坡院校上榜。 值得关注的是,前10商学院院校中,有两所院校上榜:中山大学和华东师范大学。
Business School Actuarial Science全球具体排名:
Business School Actuarial Science中国院校具体排名:
“Each paper receives by default a total score of 1. If there are n authors all from the same school, then that school’s score is incremented by 1 for the paper. If all n authors are from different schools, then each affiliated university receives an incrementation in its score of 1/n. Likewise, if they all cite different schools, and one of them is affiliated with m different universities, then each of those m universities will receive an incrementation in its score of 1/nm. If an author is affiliated with both business school and non-business school in the same university, each school in the same university will receive 1/(2nm). Some authors come from non-academic affiliations, and some authors have both academic and non-academic affiliations. Scores are also given for nonacademic affiliations; however, these will not affect the rankings for academic affiliations as nonacademic affiliations will not be ranked with universities. Discussions, responses from authors, paper abstracts/summaries, review articles, book reviews, notes with only a few pages, perspectives, conference announcements, short communication, addendum, biographies of authors and other non-original research articles are not included for the score calculation.”
Mathematics and Economics (IME), North American Actuarial Journal (NAAJ), ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the International Actuarial Association (ASTIN), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (SAJ) 我们这里只考虑发表在纯精算类刊物上的文章数量; 发表在Journal of Risk and Insurance的文章,被算作另一大类排名:Risk Management & Insurance,即RMI的排名。
下一周将为大家带来最新的非商学院院校的精算名校排名。 大家对这个排名有什么看法呢? 欢迎讨论,敬请期待。